Welcome to my new food & drink photography blog and website. It has been my intention for a long time to set this up, but as ever, it is always hard to find the time. However, I now do so much dedicated food and drink photography, that I could wait no longer.

I love photographing food – yet if you look around the internet, food photography can be so good and so bad! And even for those of us experienced at it, it can be challenging – many a time, I have stared down the barrel of a plate of risotto, scrambled eggs, or porridge, and wondered what magic I can possibly perform. On the upside, I have had wonderful Michelin-starred chefs put such amazing & delicious creations in front of me, that (with the right light) my job is made easy. While the majority of my shoots are somewhere in between – good food, good ingredients, and a number of props to style the shoot.

I hope here in this blog, to both show images from shoots, discuss the pluses and challenges of various shoots, but also to chat about good/interesting/etc food and drink – both subjects very close to my heart!

Last night I went to the book launch of The Knackered Mother’s Wine Club published by Pan McMillan – written by the amazing Helen McGinn, a good friend from the wine trade, an ex-wine buyer at Tesco, and a fantastic writer making all things about wine wonderfully accessible. Great Lanson Champagne with sausages & chips at the Boot and FLogger, SE1.

The website is very new, so please bear with its newbie state, and metamorphosis from caterpillar to… – And please do comment on what you see. All feedback appreciated.




Experienced photographer with many years photographing people and families, as well as shooting and styling food.