Whatever the product is – food, drink, stationary or candles – a lot of the styling rules remain mostly the same. This one here was Harmsworth Fine Stationary.
From my instagram, @cathlowephoto, you’d presume that I shoot just food and drink. But check out my other account @cathloweme, and you will see products and people. In the last month, I have photographed stationary, as seen here, candles and handbags. Each one requires unique attention, but the rules of styling are the same.
First talk to the client about their ideas, what they like, and the market their product is aimed at.
Talk through the colour scheme, styling ideas and consider the size/depth of the product. Choose props that enhance the central character without dwarfing it. Choose props that have neutral or corresponding colours. And plan each set up before the shoot.
The more time spent talking with the client about ideas, and planning the each shot the smoother – and easier for you – the actual shoot will be.